Episode #89 featuring Wes Youssi

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Throwback country singer Wes Youssi outside Portland little opry, Landmark Saloon. Photo by Joshua James Huff (www.JoshuaJosue.com)

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It’s a long way from Belividere, Illinois to the Pacific Northwest. But when singer Wes Youssi (pronounced YOW-see) wants to get in the right head space for writing his particular brand of traditional-style country music, he lets his mind travel back to that place from his childhood that holds so many warm feelings and fond memories.

The process has served Youssi well, inspiring the kind of songwriting that has earned him plaudits from near and far following the release of one of the best-loved records of 2018. Down Low, the first full-length record by Wes Youssi & The County Champs, has connected with the kind of audience Youssi only could have dreamed about upon its release last January.

Youssi has become a key player in Portland’s burgeoning country scene, which is why we were thrilled to have him join us at Landmark Saloon as the guest for Episode #89 of That Much Further West Podcast. Over the course of an hour, he shares details about the making of the album, his songwriting process, his journey from the Midwest to the West Coast, and how he came to eat a cockroach as part of a personal growth exercise.

Wes Youssi — solo and live at Landmark Saloon in Portland. Photo by Joshua James Huff

He also shares live, solo acoustic performances of the some of the songs that have will have Down Low on many lists of the year’s best records. With a throwback style in the tradition of Hank Williams and Jim Reeves, Youssi has connected with listeners and critics who long for a simpler, more direct sound that once held sway before the bombast, beats and bedazzled jeans of modern country music took over Nashville and terrestrial country radio.

You can listen to or purchase songs from Down Low and also its predecessor, the three-song Devil Woman EP, at Wes’ page at Bandcamp, and search the internet to read a rave review or two of Down Low. In the meantime, kick back and dial up this latest podcast episode to learn more about the man behind the music. And be sure to scroll down to see a video performance referred to during the interview.

Here’s the playlist from Episode #89 of That Much Further West Podcast:

Cadillac Man, Wes Youssi & The County Champs
Crazy Train (Live at Landmark)
Ready To Run (Live at Landmark)
Devil Woman (Live at Landmark)
Into A Bottle (Live at Landmark)
Green Dream, Wes Youssi & The County Champs

TMFWP Special: 2017 Wildwood MusicFest Preview

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Henry from Hillstomp will be rocking your world at the Wildwood MusicFest & Campout this coming weekend in Sheridan, OR. Image courtesy of Chad Lanning Photography (chadlanningphoto.com)

Stream or download 2017 Wildwood MusicFest Preview:


It’s that time again, our favorite time of year! The crew at That Much Further West Podcast is gearing up for this weekend’s Wildwood MusicFest & Campout in Sheridan, OR, and to help psyche you up for the event, we’ve put together this playlist to introduce or reacquaint you with the acts that will be performing.

We’re especially thrilled this year to have some of our favorite bands from years past and several new Wildwood performers who have been guests and/or friends of ours for many years. For example, kicking off the playlist is Countryside Ride, a traditional country band we’ve been friendly with for a long time. They’re fresh out of the studio and share a few new songs from an upcoming release, to be heard exclusively on this special episode of the podcast.

Other newcomers to the festival have been regularly featured on the podcast or exclusive guests in the past, bands like The Easy Leaves, Jenny Don’t & The Spurs and The Mutineers. The brilliant Caleb Klauder was a guest on our show several years back, and we were thrilled to see this internationally renowned singer and picker scheduled for this year’s festival.

Conrad Wert is a one-man band known as Possessed By Paul James.

We also get to dip into some uncharted waters with bands such as Tango Alpha Tango, featuring the stunning guitar work of Nathan Treub — a local player who carries a reputation as one of the best young songwriters in Northwest rock. Festival goers will not want to miss seeing this guy in action.

So let this playlist be a primer for your weekend ahead, and follow along as we buckle up for another wild weekend of fun and music at the Wildwood MusicFest & Campout.

Here’s the playlist:

All You’ll Ever Be (Is All You’ve Ever Been), Countryside Ride
I Hope He Breaks Your Heart, Countryside Ride
15 Horses, Hillstomp
Lucy’s Lament, Hillstomp
Further From Shore, The Hooten Hallers
It’s Hard To Trust Your Baby, The Hooten Hallers
Devil And The Deep, The Easy Leaves
Midnight Song, The Easy Leaves
I Gotta Girl, Tango Alpha Tango
Kill & Haight, Tango Alpha Tango
Coming On Strong, Caleb Klauder & Reeb Willms
Innocent Road, Caleb Klauder & Reeb Willms
Aura Vista, Vaudeville Etiquette
Tipping Point, Vaudeville Etiquette
Break Your Fall, The Mutineers
Ace, The Mutineers
Prairie Fire, The Riverside
Don’t Rock The Boat, The Riverside
A Lovely Conversation, The Harmed Brothers
Better Days, The Harmed Brothers
Ain’t No Living, Matt Woods
Johnny Ray Dupree, Matt Woods
Call Of The Road, Jenny Don’t and The Spurs
She’s To Blame, Jenny Don’t and The Spurs
The Woods, Robert Sarazin Blake
Our Winter In New York, Robert Sarazin Blake
Hurricane, Possessed By Paul James
Shoulda’ Known Better, Possessed By Paul James
This Little Pig, Shovelman
Navigate, Shovelman

Veterans of the festival, The Harmed Brothers are back by popular demand. Photo by Anne Marie for Local Hero Media.


Episode #82 featuring W.C. Beck

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W.C. Beck in The Helm for Episode #82 of That Much Further West Podcast. Photo by Anne Marie for Local Hero Media (www.localheromedia.com)

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William Christopher Beck grew up in Middle America surrounded by music, so it’s no surprise he found his musical calling early in life. Now, having moved from coast to coast and overseas (check out the video at the bottom of this post), the multi-talented Mr. Beck has put down roots in Brooklyn, N.Y., after establishing himself as a leading light in the Portland Americana music scene.

Making a quick return visit for a handful of shows in our fair hometown, Chris stopped by The Helm to talk about a few recording projects he has cooking, including one with a crowd-funding campaign underway called “First Flight.” On Episode #82, he plays a live version of his song “Steel Bird” which will be featured on the new record and available for digital download soon.

W.C. Beck sharing some wonderful new songs in The Helm. Photo by Anne Marie for Local Hero Media (www.localheromedia.com)

Chris also plays a couple other original songs: “Facecomber” is from a second recording project he has in the works with his friend Justin Wilcox; on the other, “The Long Way Home,” he invites local singer Anna Hoone to join him on harmony vocal.

We also delve deep into W.C.’s musical upbringing under the watchful eye of his composer grandfather, falling under the influence of some amazing old-time and bluegrass players, and how he came to write his own brand of Americana, roots and country music.

We’re beyond grateful that Chris made time in his busy schedule to do this podcast episode, and we hope you’ll further explore his catalog and support his ongoing Kickstarter campaign. We think you’ll be an instant fan after downloading and digging this episode.

Here’s the playlist:

Poor Man, W.C. Beck
Steel Bird (Live In The Helm), W.C. Beck
Rolling Hills, W.C. Beck
Facecomber (Live In The Helm), W.C. Beck
New Shoes, Caleb Klauder
Le déserteur, Boris Vian
Abandoned Love, Bob Dylan
The Long Way Home featuring Anna Hoone (Live In The Helm), W.C. Beck
Atchison Train, W.C. Beck


Fall Seasonal Podcast Picks

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Matt Woods’ new album, “How To Survive,” will be released Oct. 13.

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It’s Record Release Madness this season in the world of That Much Further West Podcast, where we’re sifting through so many great new albums being released by some of our favorite artists just as summer turns to fall out here in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

We kick off our seasonal podcast picks with an awesome new song by Matt Woods, whose record “How To Survive” comes out on Friday, Oct. 7. The song “Bound To Lose,” co-written by Woods and Jeff Shepherd and featuring Liz Sloan on fiddle and Aaron Lee Tasjan on guitar, is quick snapshot of everything great about Woods’ music. It’s a sweet slice of storytelling with a just a touch of road rash delivered by one of alt-country’s biggest, most authentic voices. Watch for Matt and his full band on the road this fall — the “How To Survive” tour kicks off this Friday and will cover lots of ground east of the Mississippi River — you can find tour dates at Woods’ website.

Our picks also include a few superb takes on race relations in America from newly released records by Drive-By Truckers and M. Lockwood Porter; killer new songs from Shovels & Rope, John Prine, Aaron Lee Tasjan, Elizabeth Cook and Blackberry Smoke; a terrific, original take on traditional country from Caleb Klauder and Reeb Wilms; some secret nuggets you probably wouldn’t hear elsewhere (read: Springsteen); and even new cuts from Bob Weir ad Bon Iver, taking us gently off the podcast’s well-worn pathways.

Lots of a great stuff here, folks. So dial it up and share it with your friends — we hope it adds a little light as the darkness of fall starts closing in. And remember to get out and support live music . . . many of these acts will be coming to a town near you soon.

Here’s the playlist:

Bound To Lose, Matt Woods
Just To Be With You, Aubrie Sellers
What It Means, Drive-By Truckers
Charleston, M. Lockwood Porter
Beauty Seldom Seen, John Calvin Abney
Botched Execution, Shovels & Rope
Look At Us (featuring Morgane Stapleton), John Prine
Memphis Rain, Aaron Lee Tasjan
Evacuation, Elizabeth Cook
Diamond State Heartbreak, Lucero
Here’s To The Losers, Drag The River
Let’s Hit One More Place, Richmond Fontaine
Sunrise In Texas, Blackberry Smoke
Coming On Strong, Caleb Klauder & Reeb Wilms
Gonesville, Bob Weir
About To Find Out, Margo Price
The Ballad of Jesse James, The Bruce Springteen Band
Falcon, Charlie Parr
Sad, Sad Music, Dwight Yoakam
00000 Million, Bon Iver